Tuesday 6 November 2012


This weeks theme is about FRIENDS & I am just so pumped for this theme! I was honoured to be a maid of honour on the weekend for a very special long time bestie, the moments we shared before the day, on the day & the day after are ones we will both never forget. It not only made me realise how lucky I am to have her in my life but to realise how lucky I am to have experienced what FRIENDSHIP is all about. So it got me thinking about how I have chosen my friends, who my friends are & why they have been so important in my life.

Why do we have FRIENDS? 
As the good ol funny saying goes "You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends" plays a huge part we need other influences in our lives to help make us who we are & to create those special moments however we are blessed that we are able to choose WHO those people are & HOW they play a part in our life when it comes to our FRIENDS.

Who's Bee's mates?
In my family network I am only child (I do have half brothers & a sister but they were a plane trip away so for me I flew solo). To me friends played a massive part in my life in the past, present & hopefully future WHY? Well I asked the question this week of "Quality vs Quantity" of friends everyone stated Quality totally agree however I think I am going to say I like the best of both worlds I have always had lots of Quantity of friends on one hand quality but that does not matter they are friends that I know if anything was to happen to myself or family they would be some form of a support network.  When I was younger like all of us Quantity played more of an important value maybe to make me feel accepted or liked, but as age is creeping on me Quality does win the race.
My friends are unique special they love me for all the urks, quirks, loud mouthed, crazy stuff I do & along the way I may have changed but those that have stuck around are my QUALITY friends.

So what is a QUALITY friend? 
That is up to you everyone has different values, morals & beliefs a quality friend is one that does not necessarily have to agree with all those things but will just LOVE you for who are. Remember life, stages & people change so if a FRIENDSHIP changes due to this that is OK sad but it can happen but if you can talk it out (weather that goes smooth or not as long as you talk) & see each other on the other side that is all that matters that the FRIENDSHIP is still there you learn about your new friend & LOVE THEM for who they are!

What FRIEND r U?
It is well & good telling your mates, chick buds, besties what ever you call your friends how much they mean to you, what they do for you, or how they make you feel but sometimes we can loose ourselves on the other person. Sometimes when you can STOP & ASK yourself "What friend Am I?" are you a quality friend to that other person, what can you do that is special for your friend, when did you last pick up the phone & ask how your friend is going? Is there any room for improving yourself as a friend? If so what needs to be improved? don't wait for the chance for a "b" fight or an awkward moment with your mate just be aware on yourself just as much as them. Great relationships work due to being a two way street not only in love marriage relationships but ALL relationships especially mates.

Friends do come, go, swap, change, are either old & new it just another magical relationship we have in our life if we choose to, if you don't have that special mate in your life try to change it or create it cause you are totally missing out on something special!

Love B

P.S this blog is a shout out to all my Quantity & Quality of Mates you all know who you are in my life & it would not be complete without you in it! 

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