Friday 23 November 2012

IT IS A ....................

IT IS A.............................. ! So I choose theme of the week Birth & Pregnancy that actually ran for two weeks it was a trip down memory lane the special moments, how my two little babies are not babies now, the feelings I felt, how big my boobs got, & now when I think about it even the dark side's of pregnancy. I was like a Jackal & Hyde so I don't think I miss being pregnant. those births moments i would have over & over & over again but each to their own as I always say I am sure some would have it the other way around or not at all.

The one thing that totally intrigues me about Pregnancy & Birth is the whole creation idea for the life of me I could not fathom with the fact that there was actually a "human" inside, a person that both my hubby & I created (whilst intoxicated when I look back on it whoops!) that all started from what you call sperm CRAZY.

Once that CRAZY moment happens the 9 months (felt like 12 to me but anyway!) of planning, preparing, naturing, & everything else that goes with the feeling of fat, ugly, & tired ends up at a finishing line( fingers crossed if it does get there totally utterly blessed) the next part the best part birth. It is the time to see what have you & your partner created? Is it a boy or girl, what will there hands look like, what colour eyes will it have, hair will it be black?

Creation is a wonderful thing but not only has it got to be through birth or pregnancy, I believe we ALL can CREATE something in our life.Feelings may differ slightly but if it feels right to you who cares. The feelings one has when they have created something is liberating, exciting,accomplishment
& a sense of pride that something that was not their before is now due to you making it come to exsistence.

So taking this into consideration I gave birth again this week. I along side with someone else created a WEBSITE!
Now with this website I have to nature it, make it grow, & support it. One thing I do know is that it I am sure I have more control & it will listen to other than my two other creations LOL! but this website is my new baby it was planned, processed & produced CREATION was made! I hope that this website can talk, change & make other people feel wonderful, I am sure it will go through milestones with ups & downs but as the creator I hope to be there every step of the way.

So the same or not the same? to some they may not agree but for me I created something so yeh I gave birth to a website this week. It was not a human but it was some form of creation for I felt a sense of accomplishment! Remember word CREATION means:

"The action or process of bringing something into existence!"

So what U have U created today?


P.S below is a link to the creation sorry I guess you can say I am bragging about my 1 week old website

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