Sunday 30 September 2012

I AM Moved! I AM Motivated!

The way we act, choose paths or get to our end results is what MOTIVATES you,me and everyone around us. We all have personal motivators some we have in common with loved ones but usually what motivates us is very close to the heart.

There is no wrong or right Motivators or even how many or even If they change as long you get to your end result. I started to think about what really motivates others, me & why. It was great that a few shared what motivates them; inspirational family, partners, having balance& just being grateful for being alive! They are big movers the most common for all but some have unquie Motivators one answer I got was "doing or having something new in my life" so for sharing I am going to share what motivates Bee,

New People- I only discovered this since I have started Goals 2B Reached as most of you know I love being around people but most of all I get so motivated when I meet someone new. Especially when they share stories of their life, were they come from or who they are it really Motivates me to appreciate other people's situations & in return appreciate my own. Motivation is a huge thing for me I love the feeling of motivation & not just for me but for others immensely.

Motivating others can be done without you even knowing just being yourself,setting an example of your belief is just what people get motivated by. Just remember other peoples motivations are not always the same as your own they are special to them and there is no wrong or right motivator. If you do move someone else hold on to it in your heart for that is special not everyday that happens and if you are motivated by someone tell them share it they deserve to know.

What if you have not felt motivated, or have but forgot what motivated you? STOP & Revaluate is the answer what used to motivate you may have changed that is totally OK! Look were you are and around you WHAT is it that makes your heart "tick", moves you, makes you want to get up and take on the world! Look at WHO surrounds you makes you feel good as we have seen people are the majority of people's great Motivators. If it is not people is it Music? Career? Money? Travel? Anything?
Once you have worked out WHAT & WHO ask yourself WHY? Why do these things move me the answers will shed light. If you are still not sure that is way cool still give it a go live and learn as I mentioned and will keep saying there is no wrong or right and you can have as many motivators as you want and change them as many times as you want as long as it MOTIVATES you!

Motivation "The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
The general desire or willingness of someone to do something."

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Guilt Gut

Ever had the feeling of Guilt Gut? You know that feeling of your stomach tossing, turning & feels empty but you want to be sick like you have had to much baked dinner?

Well I think I ate the whole leg of lamb at the moment sitting here about to board a plane whilst leaving my right arm behind (that means my Hubbie & two Vegemite's) to embark on a trip that has been organised for quiet some time.

Everyone keeps saying "don't feel guilty" and I know I should not but it just shows how strong the brain can tell the other part of the body that you feel guilty (that part of my body being my gut). So what is GUILT?

Guilt "The fact or state of having committed an offence, crime, violation, or wrong" WOW Crime? Offence? Violation? Heavy words totally has my brain thinking I am not committing any of these so why do I feel this way?

Easy we all have been guilty of Gut Guilt weather you are a mother, father, sister, brother, we all have had it and if you have not experienced it that is way cool and must mean confidence above and beyond.
The main reason we feel Gut Guilt (majority of us) is when we

PUT OUR SELF FIRST- We always strive to make those around us happy, comfortable, or whatever the feeling maybe but as long as that other person is feeling it and not you. But what about that good ol saying "you have to learn to love yourself before you love anyone else" the whole thing putting your self first has also a bad stigma of "selfishness" that if you do put yourself first that instead of thinking your loving yourself you are being selfish. Maybe that is why I have Gut Guilt?

So I have written 5 positive selfless reasons as to why I am going on a little trip to make me feel that what I am doing is setting a bar for myself and my family. So a shout out to all those that ever get GUILT GUT mind over matter and write positive reasons why you are putting yourself first.

So I am about to board and I am leaving my Gut Guilt at the gate! I love you my right arm and miss you already
