Thursday 6 February 2014

Bee's G's Feb 2014

Bee's G's starting February 1st & reach end date 31st of March 
(Watch bee talk about her goals HERE)

"Vision is key to a motivational & postive goal reaching journey. As the master Dalai Lama says in order to carry a positive action we must develop here a postive vision!" 

Last goals that I reached were awesome but it is now time to create NEW ones, remember I am just an ordinary women, mum, wife that is reaching EXTRAORDINARY goals in ALL area's of my life! 

By extraordinary I don't mean be a movie star, make millions in a month I am talking about your everyday extraordinary things that most of us take for granted PLUS my goals are extraordinary because they are mine, they mean most to me & are personal!!! So whatever your goal you MUST say to yourself it is EXTRAORDINARY because if you don't where are you going to create your motivation from????????????????????????????

So here are my EXTRAORDINARY goals for the next three months, why three months & not six like last time? Well when you think about it end of May start of June we are starting to get into winter, I have some goals that need to urgent attention & I would like to kick off new goals by the end of three months plus different climate will start, different time & my choice! 

here we go……………(Be sure to CLICK HERE to listen to BEE talk about each of these goals) 

Goal 1) 2b C'd -Cool, Calm & Collected 

Goal 2) 2b healthy & fit by moving me, my mind & my mojo 

Goal 1) 2b Giving in the moment in order to reach optimum quality time with loved ones 

Goal 1) 2b Organised to reach focus & flow for the business & study 

so in total 4 Goals are the reach for the next three months once again 80 days are quantity key factor which equates to 5 days a week so if reach this quota I will be on track & will reach my goals. 

Now some these goals may sound appealing to you well join me go for it & some of them may not make sense & they don't have to but for me they make COMPLETE sense! 

Remember these things when creating your goals 

  • Pen to paper!
  • It is highly important how the goal is written out 
  • Start date & End date 
  • Work out what you are going 2B in order to Reach! 
once again thanks for allowing me to share my goals for 

It stamps it
It valadiates it
It comes to life 

"So what goals are you sharing or telling someone about?"

Don't forget to get more depth about these goals be sure to WATCH bee talk about it HERE


PS, Enjoyed the blog? Get extra goal tips & keep in the loop with Bee by clicking