Monday 29 October 2012

Make the CHANGE

You know that heavy feeling that either lies on your chest or on your shoulders? Weather the heaviness is from stress, pressure, or something that is just not feeling right? All along that voice in your head is SCREAMING CHANGE!!! Something at sometime has gotta give, be sacrificed or let go off so that means CHANGE!

This first paragraph I am sure is close to home for all of us including myself that is why I find CHANGE the theme of the week a couple of weeks so important. CHANGE is growing, being open, fearless & creating a better version of U! We upgrade our phones, cars & sometimes houses to either have bigger, better or to accommodate the situation to improve our life's so why should the inner self change be any different?

From experience I  hope to shed light as to why some of us don't tend to CHANGE or find CHANGE weird, strange or totally frightening.

We all come from somewhere & of course from someone we get brought into the world surround by some form of family network that is our nest for at least 15-25 years. Within in this time beliefs, values & morals are exposed weather they are right or wrong is not the point what is the point is it ends up making us WHO we are.

Then when we fly the coup and venture the big wide world it shapes what choices we make that ends up shaping our futures. All that is totally cool but what happens to those that hit a point were we start to think AM I HAPPY with WHO I am? Well you know those feelings I spoke about at the beginning they  start to linger, get stronger & for most set in, what ends up happening is we stay the same, cocoon ourselves in what is called our COMFORT ZONE!

Why not break through the COMFORT ZONE I did?


TRY something new, DO something different, BE a new U! 

Dump your baggage or erks & perks at yesterday's door step, then open the door at tomorrows NEW CHANGE! Most think it is hard but it is just opening the door to yourself, admiring what needs to change & letting go to  MAKE THE CHANGE but most of all BE the change!

So what door are you opening tomorrow?

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