Monday 15 October 2012

It's all about "ME"

So this week's theme really hits home for "ME" & I am sure most of us so I really hope this blog makes you totally agree, understand, appreciate or inspire?

I have always been a people pleaser, worried about what others thought of "ME", tried to always put my family first then the roll on affect was that "ME" would come last.

Examples of this are hiding behind others achievements, never giving a time out card for myself, putting my health last (I only had a pap smear this year after 4.5 years BAD I know!), not doing any form of exercise for at least 4 years the list can go on but I am not going to cry poor "ME"that is not want I am trying to achieve here at all.

My point is that whilst loosing "ME" looking back I was not in my best form for all aspects of my life. Narky wife, mean mum, short fused daughter, & I am sure that the people that are most dear in my life would add extra comments LOL (don't blame them). I became one eyed I only focused on what I was NOT doing instead of DOING something about it.

CHANGE needed to happen so I jumped two feet first in looking at "ME" who I was, what was I doing, where my passion lies, whilst trying to find all that I realised that it was TIME! I was not giving "ME" time i just kept adding pressure to be better but in actual fact I just needed TIME! The one eye was wide open I would say "but I don't have time!" two kid's, hubbie, business, house, social life, etc etc etc then I thought WAIT everyone has the same stuff everyone is busy these days so what needed to really change?

The answer was not who or what was around "ME" the only thing that had to change was "ME!"

So I came across a saying & I always use it now "TO HAVE TIME YOU HAVE TO MAKE TIME!" that was it that was the answer stop putting the pressure on "ME" and take out the time for "ME" I did and I still DO!

I exercise, I do my health checks, I read a Mag, I give myself a night off and do date night with hubbie & I leave washing piled up for a few days! I now feel that if I had to exit this crazy world we live in quiet quickly I would leave relaxed, happy, and not LOST with "ME" I guess when I am gone someone else can do the washing LOL!

So a shout out to those that do not MAKE (not have remember) "ME" time STOP making excuses just MAKE the time. Remember "ME" time is not something that you have to do 24/7 it can be 1 hour a week whatever as long as there is M & E in it and you doing what you makes you feel happy, lighter & relaxed try it you may even get addicted!


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