Monday 13 January 2014

6tips 2 Create Motivational Work Mojo

"Bee Help! How do I find my motivation to get my work done when I feel flat?" This question popped up last week & I am more than happy to suggest 6 Motivational tips to regain your Work Mojo. This is totally normal we all go through it at some point of our work/career goal journey,  even me on some occasions (not often I love what I do) however it will occur if I have been doing to much of number 5! These tips are ones that I do to either steer away or get me out of the flat mode that I totally can't stand (I like to feel motivated most of the time)

1) Moving Music!!
I don't know about you but music is such a huge motivator for me. Play your favourite songs before & during your work time it creates a moving mood. Make sure it is up beat but not head banging so you can concentrate oh & not mediation music so you don't fall asleep! I usually have the radio going mixed top 40 gotta love it

2) Tick Tock, What's the time?
What time of the day do you feel most motivated? Work when you feel most motivated mine is first thing in the morning at like 5am "early bird catches the worm" I am super fresh, clear & most creative at this time. Choose what time is best for you some are night owls but just when you feel most motivated. You don't have to do it for hours at this time but at least for 30mins because you may just have other things that you need to get done at the same time.

3) Snap the Mood!
If you are feeling the slump, the low feeling of "Ah man could not be bothered working" you need to STOP listen to what you are saying & "SNAP" the mood! As soon as this creeps in you need to ask yourself a SNAP question. "How will I feel AFTER I have completed my work tasks?" you will find the answer will usually be elated, accomplished & one step closer to reaching your goal. Another way to SNAP is by not calling what your doing WORK! Use a different word "I am going to make mulla today, I am going to create knowledge (work does create knowledge when you think about it), just change the word "work" to something more positive, something that you would rather call it but it must SNAP that mood!  

4) Extra Energy
I try my absolute best to do some from of exercise before I place myself in front of the computer but that can't always be the case. Seems crazy or silly I know but try doing some star jumps before you sit down to work or step into work, get that blood moving it truly does create extra energy. Also be aware as to what your eating before you kick off eat high energy food here is a link listing some

5) Take a break
How much work are you doing? The first perception we tend to think is if I push, do more, get this last thing done it will all be worth it! But if you push push & push it really flattens the work mojo! Frequent, small, quality breaks is all that it takes the tasks will get done if you have the mojo motivate kept level.

6) Environment
This one is a big one, mojo work motivation can really flatten if your environment or place of work is flat. I have learnt the lesson don't do work in the BED! I used to think it would relax me, I feel comfy, I would be able to get more done WRONG! Bed is for chilling, time out, relaxing, cuddles (lol) & SLEEP! Be sure to have your work space were it is an environment that creates "work mode" cafe is great for a change highly recommend for those that work from home but only to change it up not an all the time thing, remember you must feel motivated not relaxed! Add colour, deco it out, put a vision board in front of you, just be sure to create a "work mode" space/environment that creates what makes you tick.

I also would love to share a great article I found with some extra get motivated at work tips-

If after you try these tips & you are still not feeling the work mojo please contact me maybe it is time to re-valuate your Work/Career goals?


PS, enjoyed the blog well keep in the loop with Goals & Bee by clicking the link & get extra goal tips sent to your  email!

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