Monday 2 December 2013

My first year being a Kindy Mum!

This year was my first year of experiencing being a "school mum" yes my children have gone to preschool but it is WAY different it is a whole brand new world. Here is what I have discovered being a first year kindy mum...........some of you will nod, some of you might take some things away & hopefully some of you in the end will provide me with some extra TIPS in the upcoming schooling years!

1) TIME FLIES- Quickest year of my LIFE so far yes I am not exaggerating this year has just gone with a BLINK of an eye so brace yourself this is where it all the time GOES & quick!

2) LUNCH BOX & FOOD - Few lessons learnt in this one!
* Pack medium - Don't pack little but don't pack large. they won't starve I promise at least three things come back home
* FRUIT DOES GO YUCK!- Warmer months I will be honest I don't pack fresh fruit I was but discovered it totally goes YUCK & it comes back not eaten I totally don't blame them I would not eat it either. So instead I packed packaged dried fruits & the squeeze ones they have NO excuses. Where I now put in the fresh fruit in their diet is with breakfast, afternoon tea or dessert, at least I know they are eating IT!
* Hungry Bears- After school have something READY it is like they have never seen food before! I do a fruit salad every arvo as I mentioned I don't really pack a lot of fruit for school so this where I give most of the fruit intake of their day.
* Canteen every day- No i did not give it everyday but be PREPARED they will ask for it everyday like a broken day record! Establish what day they will have Canteen & WHAT lunch or snack?
* Jamie Oliver Lunch box- Don't even bother trying! I would try a few cool new things to mix it up so she would not get bored but they don't care, they just want what they like so don't feel bad if it is vegimite, egg sandwiches every day as long as they eat that is all that matters save your Jamie for the afternoon tea or on weekends

3) CRAZY CAR-PARK- This totally amazed me school pick up & drop off the MADNESS of the carpark . I have had a few chuckle moments to myself whilst sitting back & watching a few road rage incidents, stressed out parents DYING to get OUT &  how everyone is just PUSHING it is like Xmas carpark shopping every morning &  every arvo. I am probably one of those people that other "school mums" get the pooh's with because I just let everyone in because we are all going to get out of the CRAZY carpark eventually!

4) ATTITUDE PLUS - First term finished and it was all over read rover I now had a independent child that was filled with "NEW" attitude! This one was a head turner from the braided little innocent child with her "first day" photo to a child that went to "well I am at school now don't you know!" all sorts of words come back it is like they have learnt a new language! Patience & deep breathing is suggested here along with sticking to your guns if there is something you don't like keep to your GUNS remember CONSISTENCY is the key to effective parenting!

5) MORNING ROUTINE- This really plays a part of making it a smooth ride so you don't drop off on a bad note. U get ready FIRST & let them watch TV I still let them watch it HOWEVER as soon as they wake up I let them & then it was off when it was breakfast time & getting dressed time.  I had an amazing tip given from Dr Kristy Goodwin from every chance to learn ( about TV before school & it is suggested that they have NO screen time at least 30mins before school please go check her out & ask about it she will be more than happy to suggest technology tips. Really when you think about it topic of argument is majority about TECHNOLOGY! You do have to discover the  "right" routine that suits your family for morning time but when you do STICK to it especially the one that has no arguments in it.

6) HOMEWORK- yes they do get a "tiny" bit & that word I totally mean but my take was that if I start the ROUTINE NOW I hope it will become second nature & there hopefully won't be as MUCH drama in the future (yes I did say as much because I am sure there will be a little) afternoons SCRAP don't even bother exhaustion is in & all they want to do is either talk your ear off, chill out or play so let them. Best time is MORNING fresh as a button & they get it done quicker without the arguments.

7) FEELING OLD "MOMENTS"- I mean us not the children! There will be moments & I do stress the word "moments" were you feel old but you are not really old (if that makes sense) when i wrote kayla's notes to the teacher is when i did never pictured myself doing it lol! This whole year has brought back SO many memories of all my schooling years which is nice to reminisce some great ones & some sad ones but I could not believe how much I had remembered I totally thought I had forgotten so be prepared you may get that "old" moment!

8) THE JOY- The first year of school is such an awesome one I think because it is just a HUGE leap & a year of change not only in your kindy child but in you as well. The reading, writing & new skills that they are learning just blows me away it truly is exciting for them. For as the mums it allows some little extra time up our sleeves that starts to get your life back so with that you do start to think "WHAT DO I WANT?" so this is a year were you may learn & discover more about yourself which I think is totally EXCITING!!

So as sad as it may feel sending your little one for the first time (you think they are little) they are TOTALLY READY for it & SO ARE YOU! The first year be open to a WHOLE new way with your child & with yourself , I know as a "school mum"  this is just the first year & have SO much more learning to do during these school years. SO if you are seasoned school mum I would love to know what lessons, tips, discovers you have learnt I am sure I will need all the amo I can get!



  1. My girls are 12, 13 and 15 now and it's hard to remember that first year.

  2. Loved reading your Blog Bee - have taken lot's out of it and am pumped to be one of those new kindy mums next year! Glad you had a great first year :)
