Friday 3 August 2012

Fresh Start

So the theme is Friday Fresh for myself and a relationship. A special someone asked me today "can we start over and have a Fresh Start?"  For the sentence to be even said must of taken a toll on that other person and the relationship to get to that point.

When someone says Fresh it means to me clean, new & alive which in return is all positive and exciting for the both parties. "Start" well that can mean so many things to each individual one may think  "I am going to start from now" or the other person could think "I will start that next week" The word start means "to begin or set out, as on a journey or activity"  no where in there does it say "when" hence why it can be such a grey area. A journey or activity why would I or anyone wait to make up the time to start when you have NOW!

This special someone has asked us to have a second chance, an opportunity to join together on a new journey that is going to begin from  when not sure yet but Some people do not even consider jumping on the journey, why?

Belief- They may not believe the other person can start over or even YOU may not believe in yourself to start over
Disappointment- something that no one wants to ever feel so we avoid to feel this way

I would be totally lying if I said I do not feel any of this at the moment I do trust me I feel them inside and out but is it worth loosing that relationship in my life because of two things that will at the end of day reflect on me? No not worth it especially when it is the other person dug deep and was brave enough to ask for the "fresh start" wish I asked for it first HA!

If a relationship which is a connection of two people could be mother & daughter, lovers, bother & sister , two best mates any relationship at all that has lost it's way by getting to a point were you are both unhappy, have anger towards each other, can not see eye to eye, fight all the time or even lost touch with each other why don't you have a "Fresh Start" why don't you be the one to  say it first and say "Can we start over, let's have a fresh start but starting from this minute on" I doubt that the person will say no and if they do well you know were you stand and that other person could be just feeling those two that I mentioned their belief and disappointment but in time they will come around I am sure!

All I can say is the me being the person on the other side being asked I feel privileged and honoured that someone still wants that Fresh Start with me some people can be told "Stop this relationship is over" so I am excited about my Fresh Start with that special someone in my life starting from NOW.

To that person that asked me for a "Fresh Start" thank you for giving me the chance I really look forward to the journey with you


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