Tuesday 27 August 2013

What LUV language R U?

Don't want to read well watch bee

How would it feel if your LUV tank was filled ALL the time? 
If it was filled would it be be one of these love languages? 
* Words of Affamation
* Physical Touch
* Quality time 
* Acts of services 
* Receving of gifts? 

I am sure the above would make a huge difference to your love tank  I know my answer was YES to the first Q & Words of Affamation was my love language it makes me feel "appreciated, amazing & LOVED!"first it was about ME being loved but as the good ol saying goes you can't change others you can only change yourself & then watch what you will receive so change I am doing & the rewards on my relationships with Hubby & Children by speaking their love language are just the same "appreciated, amazing & LOVED!"

The goal is to the end of 2013 to speak both Wako Hubby & Wako Girls love language. This Goal was created when I started to read Gary Chapman's book it was that good I have now completed two of the books one for adults & children.

WOW WOW WOW! Yes you heard it three WOW's why are there three
1) An eye opener & change of thought process about relationships
2) Well written, makes total sense, easy to follow, short read & purposeful!
3) The results in action are AMAZING

The books are must to keep on your shelf as go to guide, I am thrilled that I have completed & ticked this Goal so far I know it has made a HUGE change & shift within our love language in the Wakelin residence & I am sure everyone deserves the same.

Please jump on the Video Blog here I share LOADS more insight about the book & how your LUV goals can be reached!

Get 5 Languages of Love book- http://goals2breached.com.au/store/

5 Languages of Love website link- http://www.5lovelanguages.com

Also don't fear Bee is hear to answer any LUV goal Q's & even about the book



  1. Having my love tank full all the time sure sounds good! It sounds like the books have made a real impression on you. Fantastic!

  2. I love to LUV!! Can you extend the LUV tank to Jen?? Seriously..love a great book that's recommended by someone and made a difference to them.
